Upcoming Performancesrrrr 2019
Sunday, October 6th
Sounds of Soul Force Sundays
Church of the Epiphany
2808 Altura St, Los Angeles, CA 90031

'celebrating the relevance of non-violence today'
Join us for dynamic world music & speakers in a sacred historic space in Lincoln Heights. Church of the Epiphany is over 100 years old serving the Lincoln Heights community of East Los Angeles and was the organizing space of civil rights leader and non-violent activist Cesar Chavez.
(continuing the first Sunday of every month)
John Villa Lobos ~ Cuban son & crossover world/jazz improvisations
Speaker: Nipun Mehta ~ Founder of Service Space
Learn more at: Soul Force Project

Sitar Talim
Sitar Talim is a high quality sitar instructional book with practice cd. Talim is the passing
of knowledge & I believe this book will become an invaluable resource for students of sitar.
Questions contact me at zpaulz@gmail.com

Pages from sitar instruction book

Peace & Music Shirts, Cards & Postage!
Salaam Suite
4 songs from my new cd &
info on My Space
Listen now!

Indonesia Postmodern, cd released
Postmodern' is a collection of film music on which I performed sitar & requinto with gamelan instruments, with funds going
towards rebuilding the ISI Arts Institute that was destroyed by the recent
earthquake in Java.

I composed & performed the Indian music
for this new Albert Brooks film released on Jan 20th. Azam
Ali (voice), Pedro (bansuri), Jagan (violin), Abhijit (tabla),
Hom Nath (tabla & tarang), Peter (cello) worked with
us on the music with composer Michael Giacchino 'The Incredibles'.
A hilarious story of what happens when the U.S. Government
sends comedian Albert Brooks to India and Pakistan to find
out what makes the over 300 million Muslims in the region
laugh. It's a funny flick that wouldn't get released by Sony
because of fears of the word Muslim in the title. The website
for the film www.lookingforcomedy.com
Salaam Suite
My new cd called 'Salaam Suite' is now available, a collection
of songs & instrumentals calling for unity, awareness,
peace & justice is now available. Members of Ozomatli,
Quetzal & Kan Zaman Ensemble are featured on the new
recording. www.myspace.com/salaamsuite
Click here
for more info and to hear some tracks

To order the full length Salaam Suite cd
from CD Baby for only $12.97 please click

Ozomatli 'Street
Signs' wins Grammy
Ozo won their 2nd grammy award on Street Signs.
I played sitar on the track 'Believe'. Look for their
newest cd to be released soon!
LA Music Week
On Dec 15th I received an award from LA Music Week’
and certificate of appreciation from the City of Los Angeles
from District #1 Councilman Ed Reyes.
The award & certificate are “In appreciation
of your pioneering music in our community and dedicating
your life in teaching the rich multicultural heritage of
music to our youth, therefore making our city a better place
in which to live.”
Jugalbandi Concerts

I have been playing several sitar & violin jugalbandi
with A Grade All India Radio artist Jaganathan Ramamoorthy.

Indonesia & APPEX
Paul spent the summer of '04 on an APPEX Fellowship in
Bali and also visited Jogyakarta in Central Java to celebrate
the 100th birthday master musician & teacher of Pak
Chokro. APPEX was a wonderful collaborative creative experience
with an amazing group of puppeteers, dancers and musicians
from India, Philippines, Malaysia, Java, Bali & US.

Foundation for Self Suffiency in Central America
I took my daughter Isabela
to El Salvador for the Zone of Peace Tour. Check out
this great organiztion 'Center for Self Sufficiency in Central America'
www.fssca.net & their Meso-American Peace Project.

Prayer for the New Year
Dear Creator Lord,
May we find in man today those who proclaim you bravely
in love…
not in fear & hate.
May we build up those who stand firm in the truth…
not deceiving with double talk.
May we teach unity of humankind…
not blinding ourselves with divisive nationalism.
May we stand for justice… and lift our voices against
oppression & inequality.
May we work daily for peace… opposing the machineries
of war.
In the face of all calamities and injustice…
May we trust that you will reveal in us a great light and
your Spirit of unconquerable love.
Paul Z.